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Home / ICU

Critical Care or Intensive Care Units are the most critical part of a hospital. This is where the battle between life and death is at its most intense and this is where we make a difference. Our Intensive Care Units are among the best units in Mumbai as well as the country and we are on our way to become the Centre of Excellence across the globe.

Our Intensivists perform all possible emergency procedures at the bedside of the patient, backed by state of the art equipments. It minimizes the time lost in shifting an ICU patient for whom every minute counts.

  1. We have over 30 ICU beds with best in class monitoring devices
  2. Hi-tech versatile ventilators like Servo-I (Maquet) and EV (G.E.) which provide lung protective ventilation and can be adapted for neonates, paediatric and adults
  3. Our ventilators have MRI compatibility, which facilitates transport of critically ill patient for MRI
  4. Intensive Care is supported by 24 x 7 laboratory and fully equipped Radiology department (X rays / USG / Doppler / C.T. / MRI Scan) and cardiac catheterization / angiography suite
  5. Emergency Medicine: During an emergency condition of heart, brain or other critical organs, timely medicines go a long way to help to give the patient a fighting chance. We have specialists who are trained to recognise the symptoms and prescribe the necessary medicines immediately.
  6. Trauma & Accidents: Accidents at home or on the roads means that every minute counts. We have intensivists who can take care of your loved ones without wasting a single second
  7. a dedicated dialysis machine for ICU patients, Defibrillators, Cardiac Monitors to regulate and compassionate communication by all our doctors with relatives of our patient at any given time when necessary
  8. Availability of Dietary advice, patient counselling, Medical social worker, and Rehabilitation team
  9. Emergency life-saving surgery available round the clock

Our 30 ICU beds have best in class monitoring devices and a dedicated team of Intensivists and Nursing staff specifically trained for critical care department. We also have state of the art Intensive Cardiac Care Unit to take care of heart patients in critical condition.

  1. As compared to adults, children need a different ICU due to the difference in temperament, physiology and disease patterns
  2. Our 13 bedded Pediatric and Neonatal ICU contains well equipped rooms with multipara ventilator and monitors to closely and continuously monitor the children
  3. All the nurses in the department have been chosen for their excellent nursing skills, as well as the love and respect they have towards children
  4. In Addition to that Our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) caters to the needs of very sick neonatal as well as premature babies
  5. We have neonatal warmer and  Ventilator to take care of neonates who are in respiratory failure