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Billing Information

Home / Billing Information

Financial Arrangement :

Financial arrangements for your medical care at our hospital must be made prior to or at the time of admission either through Insurance, corporate tie-up or advance deposit.


We are a preferred provider in many managed care and health insurance plans. Please make sure we are on your list of participating hospitals. If we are not, you will be financially responsible for your bill. Haria L. G. Rotary Hospital files insurance claims as a courtesy to you.

If preauthorization of patient’s admission is required by your insurance company, please contact the preadmission counselor before admission. If you have any questions or problems with this process, the admitting counselor will be glad to assist you. For more information, call +91 260 6638888.

Other than Insured :

Advance amount will have to be deposited depending on our estimate of the services to be availed.

Corporates :

In case of a corporate tie-up, please bring with you a signed letter from your company clearly accepting financial responsibility for all medical care. The Hospital will provide care in the ward specified by your company. Any deviations from the instructions will be billed directly to the patient.

Payment :

We will bill services you receive based on our tariffs. An itemized statement of your account will be made available to you on request. You will be given interim bills and are requested to replenish the advance amount periodically.

Your bill can be settled with cash, pay orders, Demand drafts, Debit / Credit Cards (Visa or MasterCard). The hospital does not accept cheques except for the planned admission where the cheque can be cleared before the admission.