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Blood Bank

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Blood Bank at Haria L G Rotary Hospital is dedicated to deliver quality blood product & improving the safety of blood transfusion practice. We are catering our services for a decade to meet the needs of patients, hospitals, clinicians and related services. Blood Bank was established in 1994 under the name of “NUKEM BLOOD BANK & ROTARY SUZLON BLOOD COMPONENT CENTER – managed by Haria L G Rotary Hospital, Vapi”.

In Nukem Blood Bank, most of the blood for transfusion is collected from family members and friends as replacement donors. Volunteers also often donate blood especially at times of needs of rare blood group. Blood donation is not hazardous and it proves to be a healthy habit that helps blood renewal.

Our annual collection is more than 5000 units. We are organizing more than 35 voluntary blood donation camps in Valsad district and we also have Blood donation Mobile van to collect Blood from three Donors simultaneously.

We provide free blood to Sickle cell disease and Thalassemia major patients.

Our state of the art Blood bank, centrally air- conditioned, working for 24 hours round the clock, is having following:

Blood Components Available:
  1. Packed Red Blood Cells (PRBC)
  2. Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
  3. Platelet Concentrate
  4. Whole Blood
  5. SDP ( Single donor platelet)
Procedures followed at Nukem Blood Bank:
  1. Blood Donation:Rigid Medical and Physical Examination of each and every Donor to maintain the Safety and Quality of Collected Blood because the Safety of Blood starts with Safe Blood Donation.
  2. Donor Testing:Each and every Blood Unit collected is tested for Blood Grouping, HIV, Hepatitis B & C Virus, Syphilis, Malaria etc.
  3. Pre transfusion Testing of patient includes Blood Grouping and Cross Matching.
  4. Strict Quality Control of Personnel, Reagents, Documents and Equipment.
  1. Well comfortable and remote-controlled donor couches for Blood Donation in Easy and healthy Environment.
  2. Compo-Mixer for continuous mixing of collecting blood and automatic stop after desire volume of blood collection.
  3. Blood Bank Refrigerators
  4. Refrigerated Centrifuges
  5. Platelet Incubator and Agitator
  6. Deep Freezers
  7. Electronic Plasma Expresser
  8. Automatic ELISA Processor
  9. Apheresis Machine


Apheresis Single Donor Machine for Patients:

Aphaeresis is a procedure that involves removing whole blood from a donor or patient and separating the blood into individual components so that one particular component can be removed. The remaining blood components then are re-introduced back into the blood stream of the patient or donor. The main advantage of Apheresis is collections are that more than one dose of platelets or red cells can be collected from one donor per donation, thus reducing patient exposure to multiple donors. Machine is also used in the treatment of blood Cancer & range of other blood disorders.

First Single donor Patient

First Apheresis is done on 09th April 2022. Dr. Ankit Pande ICU Medical Officer  gives the blood for Apheresis.

We have collected more than 300 SDP in last two years, as SDP is more beneficial to patients with low platelet count and it decreases the donor exposure to the patient.

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Dr. Nihar Chaudhary

Dr. Nihar Chaudhary

Qualification: BTO

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