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Government Scheme

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Mukhyamantri Amrutum Yojana

For people who are living below poverty line & lower income group , an illness not only represents a permanent threat to their income and earning capacity, but in many ca ses it results in the family falling into a trap of debt. When need to get treatment arises for a poor family they often ignore it because of lack of resources, fearing loss of wages, or they wait till the last moment when it is too late. Health and povert y are interwoven. These families are pushed into a vicious debt poverty cycle due to excessive expenditures arising out of catastrophic health shocks.

o address this key vulnerability faced by the BPL population in the Gujarat, Mukhyamantri Amruta m “MA” Yojana was launched on 4 th September, 2012 by Government of Gujarat

When in the Lower middle class families, critical illness occur and when such families are not included in the definition of BPL so they cannot get free treatment, and they are not able t o spend money for critical illness. So, Based on feedback from various stakeholders, the Scheme was extended to families of lower income group names as Mukhyamantri Amruta m Vatsalya Yojana in August 2014 .

ESIC Empanelment

ESIC is a statuary body under the Ministry Of Labor & Employment providing comprehensive health care through a network of dispensaries and hospitals to the insured people and their family in majority of States / Districts of the Country. In its reform agenda under ESIC 2.0, the ESIC has decided to expand its services across the country. In the endeavor, ESIC is extended its coverage in the newly identified areas in the already implemented districts of Kerala intends to provide secondary medical health care services in those areas through tie-up with eligible health care providers. Expression of Interest (EOI) are invited from Government/Semi Government/CGHS approved/ Private Hospitals for the empanelment for providing secondary medical care (specialty) treatment services on cashless basis to ESI Beneficiaries at CGHS rates as per ESIC conditions.

Ayushmam Bharat Yojana

Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (abb. AB PM-JAY, translation: Prime Minister’s, People’s Health Scheme; also referred to as Ayushman Bharat National Health Protection Scheme abb. NHPS) is a national public health insurance fund of the Government of India that aims to provide free access to health insurance coverage for low income earners in the country. People using the program access their own primary care services from a family doctor. When anyone needs additional care, then PM-JAY provides free secondary health care for those needing specialist treatment and tertiary health care for those requiring hospitalization.

The programme is part of the Indian government’s National Health Policy and is means-tested. It was launched in September 2018 by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. That ministry later established the National Health Authority as an organization to administer the program. It is a centrally sponsored scheme and is jointly funded by both the union government and the states. By offering services to 50 crore (500 million) people it is the world’s largest government sponsored healthcare program

In Haria L. G. Rotary Hospital The ABPM-JAY was started in 2018 and almost 10000 patient take the benefit of the scheme and the number is increasing day by day.